Beyond DEI

Transforming Perspectives, Fostering Liberation

Revolutionizing DEI with care, innovation, and decoloniality. Join us on a journey towards inclusive, just futures.


At Beyond DEI, we are committed to transforming the landscape of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts by centering care, prioritizing marginalized voices, resurrecting ancient knowledge systems, and embracing innovative approaches to how we engage with one another and our shared environmental ecosystem. We operate from a decolonial and intersectional DEI framework that connects the dots between the past, present, and future, aiming to disrupt oppressive systems and create an inclusive and safe world grounded in self-determination and collective liberation.


Our mission is to revolutionize the field of DEI by using a lens of care and decoloniality to offer innovative products, services, and transformative perspectives. Our diverse and regionally-representative team is dedicated to addressing global, regional, and local power imbalances. We drive forward our mission by meeting people where they are while standing firmly by our values.


  • Develop and implement a decolonial, nuanced, and unique approach to DEI
  • Continually embrace care-based, justice-oriented, international and diverse frameworks that challenge hierarchies of power that do not affirm people and planet
  • Combine innovative approaches with the recentering of marginalized knowledge
  • Foster healthy team dynamics and conflict resolution models



We prioritize care, collaboration, justice, balance, and inclusivity as foundational elements needed to build just and healthy relationships, organizations, and systems.

Future Visioning

We operate from a framework that defines the future we want to build and then uses that vision to develop a roadmap to move towards that defined goal.


We ground our approach in the present realities of colonialism, oppression, and resistance to address the concrete realities facing our communities, organizations, and world today.


We situate historical context as an important process in understanding where we come from, where we are, and where we go next.

Research Frameworks from Marginalized Perspectives

We utilize a lens of intersectionality and decoloniality in our research methodology, gather from diverse sources, and prioritize the perspectives of marginalized people.


We root our work in integrity-based questioning of the beliefs, practices, and systems that shape us and our experiences.


We connect insights from marginalized peoples and knowledge systems to present-day organizational contexts to foster just, healthy, and inclusive environments.


Diversity and Regional Representation

Committed to fostering a team that mirrors the diversity of the world we serve.

Collective DEI Experience

60+ years of combined experience in DEI, anti-racism, social and ecological sustainability, communications, knowledge management, and decoloniality from leading international organizations such as the United Nations, international NGOs, academia, and the private sector

Ideation & Networking

Strong commitment to continual ideation practices and extensive international networks

Passion & Commitment

A shared passion for DEI and decoloniality, with a focus on centering marginalized communities

Healing & Care

Addressing holistic well-being and care in the pursuit of cultural shifts and inclusivity

Questioning It All

A deep commitment to asking questions about our core belief and knowledge systems to unpack the coloniality that lives within and around us


At Beyond DEI, we center decolonial liberation as the framework through which we live our lives and engage in the work of organizational structuring to foster healthy and sustainable connections of people and the planetary ecosystems to which we belong.

We see the growing interest in the diversity, equity, and inclusion space as an opportunity to move beyond the current DEI landscape focused on the development of measurements and practices to foster incremental surface-level corporate change to work towards a more expansive decolonial future. We engage in these efforts through a practice of integrity-focused questioning, justice-oriented research, deep care, liberatory future visioning, multi-dimensional understandings of presence, recontextualization of our histories, and bridging complexities of identity, ideology, and environments.

Our process is steeped in an intersectional approach that reflects the multiplicity of our identities including those elements related to our ability, age, appearance, ethnicity, gender, Indigeneity, national origin, and neurodiversity to highlight a few dimensions of distinction. Moving beyond the current DEI framing to a more liberatory practice provides more nuanced, representative, and multi-directional framings to understand ourselves and our relationships with one another at the spiritual, individual, interpersonal, community, interstate, regional, global, and ecological levels.

One of the primary questions we ask of ourselves and others in this liberatory process is what does it mean to apply a lens of decoloniality to our relationships with ourselves and others, the organizations and structures we are a part of, and predominant approaches to DEI? By truly understanding our past, present, and preferable future in relation to colonialism, we can build a just, thriving world beyond current societal limitations and harmful practices.

Our Values

How can incorporating care as part of your organizational framework shape your company’s culture, policies, procedures, and outputs? Care is a core tenet of how we engage within our business practice, with our clients, with our partners, and with our wider community. We seek to explore ways in which your organization can lean into a framework of individual, communal, global, and ecological care as a core part of your business practice.

What is the preferable future of your organization when it comes to DEI and beyond? How can we build a vision we can all unite behind? By “futurecasting,” our starting point is the future we want to build together.

How prepared is your organization for the multi-layered social, political, and ecological contexts of today? Grounding your approach to DEI in present realities of colonialism, oppression, and resistance ensures your work addresses the concrete realities facing our world and your organization.

How does your shared understanding of history beyond the colonial context shape your organization’s understanding of the present? Without knowing our history, we cannot positively impact our present and future. By positioning your DEI work historically, we see where we come from to see where we go next.

To what extent does integrity-centered questioning serve as a core operational tenet of business practice? Central to our decolonial rooted approaches to DEI engagement, is the concept and process of critically and openly examining the belief systems, knowledge bases, and power structures that construct our understandings of identity, the ways in which we engage with one another, and the systems that we exist and operate within.

From what sources do you gather your frameworks of operation and how inclusive of marginalized communities are your references? We connect insights from marginalized peoples and knowledge systems to your specific personal and organizational context, making your DEI work relevant both now and in the future.

How multidimensional and relevant are the knowledge frameworks that shape your business ideology? Our research methodology is rooted in a decolonial and intersectional framework that centers global and marginalized perspectives to ground our strategies.

Dimensions of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and Our Approach

How does your organization value, celebrate, and provide equitable access to people of varying abilities? We are passionate about inclusion and operate from an understanding that the differing abilities found throughout the spectrum of humanity and our shared ecological system are advantageous to developing a reflective, compassionate, and representative society that is equipped to meet the multi-pronged challenges of today and build a healthy and inclusive future.

How is diversity in age celebrated and valued in your organization? We harness wisdom, lessons, and teachings from a wide spectrum of ages. We believe that there is much value in creating spaces for exchange that tap into a wide-breadth of our collective knowing. Given the marginalization and disempowerment of youth and elder perspectives, we work to incorporate these valuable insights in our work, approach, and recommendations.

How does physical appearance impact how personnel, vendors, and contractors are treated and the opportunities they are afforded? At Beyond DEI, we operate from a framework in which appearance is a form of self and/or community expression that should not impact one’s opportunities for safety, care, employment, and the ability to thrive. We also acknowledge how rigidity around appropriateness of appearance often enforces colonial standards of acceptability that are performative, limiting, and harmful.

What is your organization’s understanding of race and its impact on clients, personnel, vendors, and partners? We operate from a standpoint that race is a social construct developed by Western colonial powers—a small subsect of humanity—to justify and enforce racist propaganda and belief systems. Racial categorizations have been forced upon people across the globe through colonial expansion and have become defining descriptors for human beings of varying skin tones, while also remaining wildly inconsistent. Western science, originally used to support this propaganda, has debunked its validity. However, as a social construct, race today has very real implications for people’s lives and livelihoods. In the work setting, structural and interpersonal racism limit employment opportunities and career progression while also severely hampering an organization’s ability to be a just, relevant, and trusted institution in today’s multicultural and interconnected world.

How does ethnicity show up in your organization and to what extent is ethnic diversity celebrated or discouraged? At Beyond DEI, we define ethnicity as a socio-geographical construct that interplays with culture and regional boundaries to attempt to categorize perceived social differences amongst people. Ethnicity allows for more complex understandings of human groupings. For example, within the Latino/a/x ethnic grouping exists different racial categorizations of human beings—including Afro-Latino/a/x, Euro-Latino/a/x and Indigenous groups.

How does the gender binary and patriarchy infiltrate every aspect of our lives, both personal and professional? How can we ensure all people see themselves in relation to predominant ideologies and the benefits of going beyond them? By recognizing the social constructions and limitations of gender while centering ways of living that challenge restrictive norms, we can foster liberation for people of all genders.

Indigeneity is often marginalized even within progressive DEI spaces—what does it mean to truly center Indigenous understandings in DEI work? By focusing on principles of Indigenization and ecology, we can build strategies in line with the needs and wisdom of Indigenous peoples and their self-determination.

In what ways does nationality impact opportunities for recognition and advancement in your organization? Are there unexplored biases that are impacting how nationality impacts career advancement? National origin defines rigid geopolitical boundaries ascribed to regional groupings of people often tied to the Western concept of the nation-state and enforced through military force. For colonized communities, this process occured amongst colonial powers and without consultation or buy-in from those living in these lands. As we exist in an increasingly globalized world, we seek to work with your organization to foster deeper understandings of the concept of national identity while also fostering safe and affirming organizational workforces for people from varying national backgrounds.

How is neurodiversity understood within your organization? And how are neurodiverse perspectives supported to create healthy environments in which personnel can thrive and contribute? We celebrate the unique wiring and necessity of each individual’s brain. Neurodiversity is the recognition that the human neurological spectrum is wide and nuanced. Some commonly described differences include autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and others, that are natural variations of the human brain rather than defects that “need fixing.” At Beyond DEI, our approach involves creating environments that center and provide the desired resources, tools, and spaces for diverse cognitive styles, ensuring that individuals with neurodivergence are allowed to contribute to organizations in a manner that best fits them and enriches the community. We strive to dismantle the stigma surrounding neurodivergence, promoting inclusion and understanding in both personal and professional spaces.

How prepared and responsive is your organization’s operational and cultural framework with respect to disability inclusiveness? We reject ableism and recognize the inherent importance of the disability community, understanding that disability is not a monolithic or stagnant experience. Our framework for disability inclusiveness goes beyond mere compliance with accessibility standards; it involves actively fostering an environment where people with disabilities are fully valued and provided with experiences and spaces befit for their needs and desires. By acknowledging and accommodating the diverse needs of individuals with disabilities, we aim to break down barriers that limit their self-determined participation and contribute to building a workplace that embraces the full spectrum of human abilities.

Voices of Transformation

Discover the impact of Beyond DEI through the voices of those who have experienced our transformative approach to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI).

Our Collaborative Network

Learn about our experiences with a breadth of different organisations and how they have shaped our approach.

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